CRPs are an essential strand of the Community Rail Development strategy. They exist independently of the strategy but each Community Rail line will need to have the support of a CRP.
CRPs are a means by which commuters, councils, businesses, volunteer groups and organisations along a rail corridor can play an active role in the development of their local rail service and they bring together train operators, Network Rail, local authorities, local employers, development and tourism agencies, community groups and other locally based groups. They are established by mutual agreement and are typically staffed by a paid officer supported by a committee of stakeholders.
There are over 60 CRPS across the UK, ranging from Devon & Cornwall, through East Anglia and Wales to the North of England and Scotland. Community Rail Network (CRN) is their representative body. The Community Rail Network receives core funding from the Department of Transport.
Both the South East Manchester and Crewe to Manchester Community Rail Partnerships are hosted by Stockport Council, with the partnership areas extending into Cheshire East, Tameside, Manchester City and towards the boundary of the High Peak.
In 2022, the partnerships have been restructured to add an overall Management Group, which will be known as the South East Manchester and East Cheshire Community Rail Group. Plans for the partnerships are set out in the annual activity plans. Please see the following link for the 2022 – 2023 plan for the Crewe to Manchester CRP: Crewe to Manchester CRP Activity Plan 2022 -2023
An introduction to our CRP Members